Your past financial mistakes should not come between you and the financial assistance you may need at any moment in life. Even if your credit score was damaged in the past, we are happy to help you rebuild your financial strength. The Educational Credit Union always lends a helping hand to everyone who needs it right here, right now. Even if you have a less than perfect credit score, we have the financial solution that suits your current situation. ECU always serves its members to help them get back on their feet as soon as possible.
Managing your financial difficulties can be a challenge if you’re walking this way on your own. We want to make borrowing the easiest part and become your best lending experience by providing fair and stress-free loan options for people with any credit.
We offer:
- Competitive interest rates;
- Financial solutions available with any credit;
- Maximum loan amount up to $5,000;
- Flexible terms up to 24 months;
- No prepayment penalties or additional fees;
- Direct money deposit within a business day.
Apply now to get the assistance you need directly in your account, or contact us for more details. Our friendly staff is always of service to answer all your questions and help you choose the right option that meets your current needs.